🦋♥︎☻ Who Our Stories Are For ☻♥︎🦋


We invite your inner
♥︎☻🔵 wise women 🔵☻♥︎,
♥︎☻👁 seekers, scientists, artists, spies 👁☻♥︎,
♥︎☻💗 mothers 💗☻♥︎,
♥︎☻🐍 designers, architects, activists, artisans 🐍☻♥︎,
♥︎☻🧨 grandmothers, matriarchs 🧨☻♥︎,
some, none or all of the above and more.


Our stories are for the intrepid parts of you, however miniscule, who are seeking openings and ever-opening spaces: multiple doorways to infinite possibilities.

Some bar bathroom somewhere. From Rose Brie’s archives.

Our stories are for those parts of you, even if they are teeny, who are purpose-driven, ethical and highly motivated. They are for those who are committed, intuitive, observant, and operate from multiple viewpoints at multiple levels. Our stories are for those parts who state their purpose. They are for those who state their commitments, contribute relevant ideas, work in circle, and share relevant observations.

Our stories are for those parts, even if they are just a whisper, who walk paths that appear only as each step is taken. They are for those who are inspired, resourceful, reflective, and wise. Our stories are for those parts who document and evolve their dreams. They are for those who read references, take responsibility, analyze, and document emergent findings.

Our stories are for those parts, even if they are just a glimmer, who see the divinity in all. They are for those who are feminine, ritualistic, equitable, and collectively beneficial. Our stories are for those parts who cultivate technical work. They are for those who cultivate branding, experiences, property and paperwork.

Our stories are for those parts, even if they are just a tentative first step, who are professional and effective in their cultivation of their responsibilities. They are for those who are informed, experimental, supplied with tools and impactful. Our stories are for those parts who develop or use products. They are for those who are literate in systems thinking, prototypes, tools and baked-in marketing.  

Our stories are for those parts, even if they are just a shell, who are multidimensionally symbiotic. They are for those who are coherent, powerful, strong and resilient. Our stories are for those parts who document collectively beneficial outcomes. They are for those who document purpose, inspirations, evolving aspirations, and observations.

We invite you to inhabit the open space between these parts and the rest of you and watch from there.