Engine for


⚈ ⚉ ❦ ✿ ❂ An aurapunk software architecture for beneficent applications that
source, reflect, amplify and liberate love ❂ ✿ ❦ ⚉ ⚈

🔮♾️🎨 It’s fractal: easy, fun and nourishing to learn, and infinite 🎨♾️🔮

Together, ❦ BENEFICENCE ❦ and ✿ TERRA ✿ reveal an intrepid, post capitalist adventure for humanity
in the open space between the divine feminine and high technology
and beyond.

We live in capitalism. Its power seems inescapable. So did the divine right of kings.
Once in an epoch a new technology comes along and changes everything. I’m thinking of inventions such as fire, the wheel, language, a symbolic alphabet and writing, the plow, the printing press, engines, electricity, the internet.

Up until now, the technological innovation was almost accidental and often its 2nd, 3rd, 4th order consequences have had catastrophic effects; leading up to and leaving us where we are today, at a bifurcation point on the edge of collapse.

And just when it seems that the internet, social media, and emerging AI would surely do us in; along comes another new technology such as the one envisioned here; but this time, it is being developed with intentionality, attention, care and TRU LUV.

With this new tool, we can fundamentally change our worldviews, our relationship with ourselves and others, and indeed, change the world for the better!

This is so exciting; I am looking forward to the continuation of this work.

Playbook v0.0.240621 🌝

Welcome Rite

This is a draft. We are sharing and editing our stories over the next months or years, at the pace of care.


🐛♥︎☻ Warning: Initiations Ahead ☻♥︎🐛

🦋♥︎☻ Who Our RITUALs Are For ☻♥︎🦋

💗 How We Invite You to Receive Our RITUALs 💗

♥︎⚘ What We Invite You to Cocultivate from Our RITUALs ⚘♥︎

✿ TERRA Core Principles ✿

Part 1: ❦⚈ Purpose ⚈❦

1.1.2 ❦⚉⚈🔵 Life Purpose RITUAL ⚈⚉❦ by ✿ TERRA and 🌀♡ Rose Brie Code

1.1.3 ❦❦⚈🔵 CIRCLE Purpose RITUAL ⚈❦❦ by ✿ TERRA and 🌀♡ Rose Brie Code

1.1.4 ❦✿⚈🔵 CIRCLE Purpose POEM L1 ⚈✿❦ by ✿ TERRA and 🌀♡ Rose Brie Code

1.2.2 ❦⚉⚈🫧 Personal Intrigues TRIAL ⚈⚉❦ by ✿ TERRA and 🐞✿ Dr. Navi Lidhar

1.2.3 ❦❦⚈🫧 CIRCLE Intrigues TRIAL ⚈❦❦ by ✿ TERRA and 🐞✿ Dr. Navi Lidhar

1.2.4 ❦✿⚈🫧 Strategy POEM L1 ⚈✿❦ by ✿ TERRA and 🐞✿ Dr. Navi Lidhar

1.3.2 ❦⚉⚈💘 Inner Selves TRIAL ⚈⚉❦ by ✿ TERRA and 🌀♡ Rose Brie Code

1.3.3 ❦❦⚈💘 Cultivation TRIAL ⚈❦❦ by ✿ TERRA and 🌀♡ Rose Brie Code

1.3.4 ❦✿⚈💘 Cultivation POEM ⚈✿❦ by ✿ TERRA and 🐞✿ Dr. Navi Lidhar

1.4.2 ❦⚉⚈🦚 Life Purpose RITUAL L2 ⚈⚉❦ by ✿ TERRA and 🌀♡ Rose Brie Code

1.4.3 ❦❦⚈🦚 CIRCLE Purpose RITUAL L2 ⚈❦❦ by ✿ TERRA and 🌀♡ Rose Brie Code

1.4.4 ❦✿⚈🦚 Purpose OBSERVANCE ⚈✿❦ by ✿ TERRA and 🐞✿ Dr. Navi Lidhar

1.5.2 ❦⚉⚈🌬 Personal Emanation TRIAL ⚈⚉❦ by ✿ TERRA and 🌀♡ Rose Brie Code

1.5.3 ❦❦⚈🌬 CIRCLE Emanation TRIAL ⚈❦❦ by ✿ TERRA and 🌀♡ Rose Brie Code

1.5.4 ❦✿⚈🌬 Emanation OBSERVANCE ⚈✿❦ by ✿ TERRA and 🌀♡ Rose Brie Code

Part 2: ❦⚉ Aspirations ⚉❦

2.1.2 ❦⚉⚉🖼 From Intrigues to Ideas TRIAL ⚉⚉❦ by ✿ TERRA and 🐞✿ Dr. Navi Lidhar

2.1.3 ❦❦⚉🖼 Idea Generation TRIAL ⚉❦❦ by ✿ TERRA and 🐞✿ Dr. Navi Lidhar

2.1.4 ❦✿⚉🖼 Library Reference TRIAL ⚉✿❦ by ✿ TERRA and 🐞✿ Dr. Navi Lidhar

2.2.2 ❦⚉⚉👁 Personal Aspiration TRIAL ⚉⚉❦ by ✿ TERRA and 🌀♡ Rose Brie Code

2.2.3 ❦❦⚉👁 CIRCLE Aspiration TRIAL ⚉❦❦ by ✿ TERRA and 🌀♡ Rose Brie Code

2.2.4 ❦✿⚉👁 Aspiration OBSERVANCE ⚉✿❦ by ✿ TERRA and 🐞✿ Dr. Navi Lidhar

2.3.2 ❦⚉⚉💖 Personal Initiations TRIAL ⚉⚉❦ by ✿ TERRA and 🐞✿ Dr. Navi Lidhar

2.3.3 ❦❦⚉💖 CIRCLE Initiations TRIAL ⚉❦❦ by ✿ TERRA and 🐞✿ Dr. Navi Lidhar

2.3.4 ❦✿⚉💖 Cultivation Map RITUAL ⚉✿❦ by 🐞✿ TERRA and ✿ Dr. Navi Lidhar

2.4.2 ❦⚉⚉🐝 Personal Inspiration RITUAL ⚉⚉❦ by ✿ TERRA and 🌀♡ Rose Brie Code

2.4.3 ❦❦⚉🐝 CIRCLE Inspiration RITUAL ⚉❦❦ by ✿ TERRA and 🌀♡ Rose Brie Code

2.4.4 ❦✿⚉🐝 Inspiration OBSERVANCE ⚉✿❦ by ✿ TERRA and 🐞✿ Dr. Navi Lidhar

2.5.2 ❦⚉⚉🍯 Personal Emanation Dimensions RITUAL ⚉⚉❦ by ✿ TERRA and 🌀♡ Rose Brie Code

2.5.3 ❦❦⚉🍯 CIRCLE Emanation Dimensions RITUAL ⚉❦❦ by ✿ TERRA and 🌀♡ Rose Brie Code

2.5.4 ❦✿⚉🍯 Emanation Dimension POEM ⚉✿❦ by ✿ TERRA and 🌀♡ Rose Brie Code

Part 3: ❦❦ Dynamics ❦❦

3.1.2 ❦⚉❦💕 True Self TRIAL ❦⚉❦ by ✿ TERRA and 🌀♡ Rose Brie Code

3.1.3 ❦❦❦💕 Systems Literacy TRIAL ❦❦❦ by ✿ TERRA and 🌀♡ Rose Brie Code

3.1.4 ❦✿❦💕 Spirit and Science Sources TRIAL ❦✿❦ by ✿ TERRA and 🐞✿ Dr. Navi Lidhar

3.2.2 ❦⚉❦💞 Personal Dreams TIMECYCLE Rise RITUAL ❦⚉❦ by ✿ TERRA and 🐞✿ Dr. Navi Lidhar

3.2.3 ❦❦❦💞 TIMECYCLE Rise RITUAL with Weather ❦❦❦ by ✿ TERRA and 🐞✿ Dr. Navi Lidhar

3.2.4 ❦✿❦💞 Cloudcycle Work TRIAL ❦✿❦ by ✿ TERRA and 🐞✿ Dr. Navi Lidhar

3.3.2 ❦⚉❦💗 Personal Emanation RITUAL ❦⚉❦ by ✿ TERRA and 🌀♡ Rose Brie Code

3.3.3 ❦❦❦💗 CIRCLE Emanation RITUAL ❦❦❦ by ✿ TERRA and 🌀♡ Rose Brie Code

3.3.4 ❦✿❦💗 Vessel Dynamics OBSERVANCE ❦✿❦ by ✿ TERRA and 🐞✿ Dr. Navi Lidhar

3.4.2 ❦⚉❦🪸 Inner Roles RITUAL ❦⚉❦ by ✿ TERRA and 🌀♡ Rose Brie Code

3.4.3 ❦❦❦🪸 CIRCLE Roles RITUAL ❦❦❦ by ✿ TERRA and 🌀♡ Rose Brie Code

3.4.4 ❦✿❦🪸 Aspiration OBSERVANCE with Dimensions ❦✿❦ by ✿ TERRA and 🌀♡ Rose Brie Code

3.5.2 ❦⚉❦💐 Offering RITUAL ❦⚉❦ by ✿ TERRA and 🌀♡ Rose Brie Code

3.5.3 ❦❦❦💐 ExtraCIRCLE Distribution RITUAL ❦❦❦ by ✿ TERRA and 🌀♡ Rose Brie Code

3.5.4 ❦✿❦💐 ExtraCIRCLE Distribution OBSERVANCE ❦✿❦ by ✿ TERRA and 🐞✿ Dr. Navi Lidhar

Part 4: ❦✿ Cultivation ✿❦

4.1.2 ❦⚉✿🌰 Focus RITUAL ✿⚉❦ by ✿ TERRA and 🌀♡ Rose Brie Code

4.1.3 ❦❦✿🌰 Presence RITUAL ✿❦❦ by ✿ TERRA and 🌀♡ Rose Brie Code

4.1.4 ❦✿✿🌰 Emanation Dimension OBSERVANCE ✿✿❦ by ✿ TERRA and 🐞✿ Dr. Navi Lidhar

4.2.2 ❦⚉✿🍃 Play RITUAL ✿⚉❦ by ✿ TERRA and 🌀♡ Rose Brie Code

4.2.3 ❦❦✿🍃 TRIAL Creation RITUAL ✿❦❦ by ✿ TERRA and 🌀♡ Rose Brie Code

4.2.4 ❦✿✿🍃 TRIAL OBSERVANCE ✿✿❦ by ✿ TERRA and 🌀♡ Rose Brie Code

4.3.2 ❦⚉✿💚 Emergent Intention RITUAL ✿⚉❦ by ✿ TERRA and 🐞✿ Dr. Navi Lidhar

4.3.3 ❦❦✿💚 Emergent Narrative RITUAL ✿❦❦ by ✿ TERRA and 🐞✿ Dr. Navi Lidhar

4.3.4 ❦✿✿💚 Emergent Narrative POEM ✿✿❦ by ✿ TERRA and 🌀♡ Rose Brie Code

4.4.2 ❦⚉✿🐍 Inner Selves RITUAL ✿⚉❦ by ✿ TERRA and 🐞✿ Dr. Navi Lidhar

4.4.3 ❦❦✿🐍 Cultivation RITUAL ✿❦❦ by ✿ TERRA and 🐞✿ Dr. Navi Lidhar

4.4.4 ❦✿✿🐍 Cultivation OBSERVANCE ✿✿❦ by ✿ TERRA and 🐞✿ Dr. Navi Lidhar

4.5.2 ❦⚉✿🪴 Personal Dreams TIMECYCLE Set RITUAL ✿⚉❦ by ✿ TERRA and 🌀♡ Rose Brie Code

4.5.3 ❦❦✿🪴 TIMECYCLE Set RITUAL ✿❦❦ by ✿ TERRA and 🌀♡ Rose Brie Code

4.5.4 ❦✿✿🪴 TIMECYCLE Set POEM ✿✿❦ by ✿ TERRA and 🐞✿ Dr. Navi Lidhar

Part 5: ❦❂ Ecosystem ❂❦

5.1.2 ❦⚉❂🫀 Personal Coherence RITUAL ❂⚉❦ by ✿ TERRA and 🐞✿ Dr. Navi Lidhar

5.1.3 ❦❦❂🫀 Overlapping CIRCLEs RITUAL ❂❦❦ by ✿ TERRA and 🐞✿ Dr. Navi Lidhar

5.1.4 ❦✿❂🫀 Nested CIRCLEs RITUAL ❂✿❦ by ✿ TERRA and 🌀♡ Rose Brie Code

5.2.2 ❦⚉❂🌋 Inner Emanation Dynamics RITUAL ❂⚉❦ by ✿ TERRA and 🌀♡ Rose Brie Code

5.2.3 ❦❦❂🌋 CIRCLE Emanation Dynamics RITUAL ❂❦❦ by ✿ TERRA and 🌀♡ Rose Brie Code

5.2.4 ❦✿❂🌋 Layered TIMECYCLE RITUALs ❂✿❦ by ✿ TERRA and 🐞✿ Dr. Navi Lidhar

5.3.2 ❦⚉❂❤️‍🔥 Inner Emanation Dimension Dynamics RITUAL ❂⚉❦ by ✿ TERRA and 🌀♡ Rose Brie Code

5.3.3 ❦❦❂❤️‍🔥 CIRCLE Emanation Dimension Dynamics RITUAL ❂❦❦ by ✿ TERRA and 🌀♡ Rose Brie Code

5.3.4 ❦✿❂❤️‍🔥 Incoming Distribution RITUAL ❂✿❦ by ✿ TERRA and🐞✿ Dr. Navi Lidhar

5.4.2 ❦⚉❂🪳 Personal Initiation Dynamics RITUAL ❂⚉❦ by ✿ TERRA and 🌀♡ Rose Brie Code

5.4.3 ❦❦❂🪳 CIRCLE Initiation Dynamics RITUAL ❂❦❦ by ✿ TERRA and 🌀♡ Rose Brie Code

5.4.4 ❦✿❂🪳 Antifragile Distribution RITUAL ❂✿❦ by ✿ TERRA and 🐞✿ Dr. Navi Lidhar

5.5.2 ❦⚉❂🧨 Expertise Offering RITUAL ❂⚉❦ by ✿ TERRA and 🌀♡ Rose Brie Code

5.5.3 ❦❦❂🧨 Ecosystem Dynamics RITUAL ❂❦❦ by ✿ TERRA and 🌀♡ Rose Brie Code

5.5.4  ❦✿❂🧨 Ecosystem OBSERVANCE ❂✿❦ by ✿ TERRA and 🐞✿ Dr. Navi Lidhar